Component parts of the game
1 Logout from NOTE: The logout does not mean the end of the game. If the opponent makes a move during the time you are not logged in, you will be notified by e-mail.
2 Link to 'about us' - a short presentation of the project
3 Link to information about the protection of personal data.
4 Link to the current page.
5 Your login in the case you are playing the game or 'visitor' in the case you are looking at the game as a visitor.
6 When the game is ended, the final result appears in this part. During the game, this part is empty.
7 Login of the player (player in the top/bottom part of the board depending if we are in the top/bottom block).
8 Status indicating whether the player is currently logged into the game or not.
9 Total time used so far by the player for his moves during the game. In the case you make a movement and your opponent is logged out, the time clock of your opponent will blink.
10 The history of moves made during the game. NOTE: After the end of the game, it is possible to trace all the moves graphically by clicking on each move in the history.
11 Chat - a place that shows all system information about decisions taken by players (move back, tie proposal, etc.) and record the entire chat conversation between the players.
12 Field to enter the message you want to send to another player through the chat. You just need to click ENTER on your keyboard to send the message.
13 Notepad - a place where you can save your notes about current game.
14 This option allows you to send a request to your opponent for a move back. Note: This option is available only in case when both players have set the option " Allow the opponent to move back " (see User data pt.10). If you are logged out when the second player confirms or cancel the move back request, you will be informed by e-mail.
15 This option allows you to send a request to your opponent for a tie proposal. If you are logged out when the second player confirms or cancel the tie request, you will be informed by e-mail.
16 This option is a resignment option. It ends the game and your opponent wins.
17 Access to your account part (list of games, personal data). In case you didn't log in yet, you will have to log in. Detailed information here.
18 This option appears only when viewing the game as a visitor. You can change the view of the chessboard (seeing the game as white or black).
19 This option appears only when viewing the game as a visitor. It allows to log in to
Invitation to play (when starting a new game)
1 This radiobutton allows you to select the way you want to choose your opponent (all users/list of friends/e-mail address).
2 A list of all registered users of the application.
3 The list of people that you have added to your list of friends (see pt.5).
4 Field where you can enter the e-mail address of your opponent (can be a person who is already registered or not). Note: If the person you invited is not yet registered in, he/she will be asked for registration before playing the game.
5 Checking this box will automatically add the person you selected (in the list of all users) to your friends list when you'll send the invitation.
6 This button sends an invitation by e-mail to the selected person. Note: If within 7 days the second player does not respond to your invitation, the game will automatically be deleted.
7 Close the window without sending the invitation. You can always come back to the invitation window when opening a game, as long as an invitation has not been sent yet (see Games under way pt.8).
Tabs in My Account part
1 Bookmark with all of your games under way. Detailed information here.
2 Bookmark with all of your finished games. Detailed information here.
3 Bookmark used to change your personal data and settings. Detailed information here.
4 Bookmark used to contact us to report problems or send your comments related to the application.

Games under way (My Account part)
1 Start a new game. Once you click on it, you can choose the person that you want to invite to the game (see Invitation to play).
2 List from which you can choose one of your games currently under way. Available information in the list are: the login of the players, the date when the game was started, and possibly a '+' sign indicated that it's your turn to play.
3 Login of the white-side player and the date when the player logged in to the game the last time.
4 Login (or e-mail) of the black side player and the date when the player logged in to the game the last time (the e-mail is shown when the guest is not yet registered as a player on If you're the white-side player and the black-side player didn't answer to your invitation during the last 24h, you'll see an option 'Send reminder' to send an invitation reminder.
5 Information about which player should make a move now. If it's the turn of the other player to make a move and your last move was made more than 24h ago, you'll see an option 'Send reminder' to send a move reminder.
6 Date and time of the last move made in the game.
7 Information about the game ID. During the game, this ID is contained in the URL. You can send this URL to whomever wants to look at the game. This person won't be able to make any move in the game - he/she will only see the moves live.
8 Click on this button to play the game that you chose in the listbox. In case you didn't invite yet a second player for this game, after clicking on it you can choose the person, who you want to invite to play with you (see Invitation to play).
Finished games (My Account part)
1 List from which you can choose to view a finished game. Available information on the list are: the login of the players, and the date when the game was finished.
2 The date and time when the game started.
3 The date and time when the game ended.
4 The final result of the game.
5 Information about the game ID.
6 Click on this button to see the final position on the chessboard. After opening the game, by clicking on the corresponding records in the historic of moves, it is possible to see all the different moves graphically on the board step by step.

User data (My Account part) / New registration
1 Field containing your login chosen during the registration process. Note: In the case when you register as a new user, this field is mandatory, and the login must be unique. The login and password are always required when you want to log in to the application.
2 Field allowing to change your password. Note: In the case when you register as a new user, this field is mandatory. The login and password are always required when you want to log in to the application.
3 This field must contain exactly the same password as in point 2. In order to minimize the possibility of confusion, it is recommended not to use the copy/paste function.
4 E-mail address for communication between and you, so that we can notify you about events related to your account and your games. It's preferable to accurately validate entered address, because any error will lead to a complete lack of contact. Note: This field is mandatory, and the e-mail address must be unique.
5 Language in which the interface will be displayed throughout the application. The e-mails automatic you will receive will also use this language.
6 Your firstname is used by for identification purposes only, and will be used in the e-mails sent to your opponent during the games. This field is mandatory.
7 Your lastname is used by for identification purposes only, and will be used in the e-mails sent to your opponent during the games. This field is mandatory.
8 Field for statistical purposes.
9 Field for statistical purposes.
10 Option allowing your opponents to send you a request for a move back (see Components parts of game pt.14).
11 This option enables/disables the audio signal of each opponent's move.
12 Button to save the changes that you made in the personal data form..