
Privacy policy

Last update: 26.11.2020

What data do we gather?

So that you can play on, you will have to register. During the registration, you will be required to give your first name, last name, e-mail address, as well as a password that will be used to log in.

What these data are used for?

None of these data will be given or sold to third-party companies.

The data provided during the registration will be used exclusively to allow you to log on our application and to inform the people you play with about the identity of the person who wants to play with them. The registration is mandatory if you want to play on

The data gathered in the contact form will be exclusively used to answer to your demands or comments in case it is necessary.

In case of a control from the Inspectorate of the private data protection, your data might be given for checking to the personnel of the Inspectorate, in accordance to the private data laws.

In case of use of your account in an illegal way, of violation of the law, or if a law requires it, your data might be submitted to the judicial authorities, in accordance to the laws.

How can you inform us about changes in your private data?

After logging to your account and going into the section 'User data', you can change the value of the personal data you entered during the registration.

Use of cookies

Our application doesn't use cookies.

In what way do we protect your private data?

In the future (after version beta), the communication between your browser and our server will be encrypted through the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol.
Furthermore our database is protected to any access from third-parties people.

Right to be forgotten

In case you need to delete your private data, you can contact us via the contact form and ask for your data to be deleted.
We will then proceed with the deletion of your private data.

Changes in the privacy policies.

The above privacy policies might be subject to changes. In this case, we will publish the new version of the policies with the starting date of execution.


Company storing the data: IF Research Polska, ul. Arkońska 6/A4, 80-387 Gdańsk, Poland

In case of any question about the privacy protection, please use the contact form to your disposal.